Access Funds
The GateWay Second Chance Foundation, Inc. [The Foundation] is a non-profit 501 (C) (3) organization and contributions made to the organization are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Funds are solicited in a respectful manner and without pressure. All third parties not directly affiliated with the foundation who wish to solicit funds on behalf of the organization must acquire written permission from The Foundation. Such permission shall be consistent with The Foundation bylaws. Donor designated restrictions on contributions shall be honored.
The Foundation provides all donors with specific acknowledgements of charitable contributions, where applicable, in accordance with legal requirements for proper donor substantiation and the organization’s disclosures. Written tax receipts shall be issued for all donations of at least $25.00 or as requested. If the donor receives anything in exchange for their donation, the tax receipt shall clearly state what portion of the donation is tax deductible. All donations solicited on behalf of the organization shall be used to further the foundation’s mission.
The principal source of The Foundation funding is private. Our charitable contributions derive from corporations, foundations, independent philanthropists, and individual donors. We accept cash, checks, money orders, and on-line credit card contributions. Competitive governmental grants are our secondary source for program funding. Other governmental sources and special events make up the remainder of The Foundation funding.
Gifts to The Foundation may take a variety of forms. Outright gifts may be made by living donors or entities. Bequests or testamentary gifts that take effect upon the donor’s death are acceptable. Deferred or split-interest gifts, upon approval by The Foundation, are acceptable.
The Foundation reserves the right to refuse any proposed gift. Gifts to The Foundation may not be directly or indirectly subjected by a donor to any material restriction or condition that would prevent the organization from freely and effectively using such gifts or the income derived there from, in furtherance of its exempt purposes or values.
Any information supplied to The Foundation by a donor will be used solely to fulfill the donation and shall not be shared for any reason unless permission is granted by the donor to share such information. All requests to remain anonymous shall be honored.
Engage Family and Social Agencies
GateWay Second Chance Foundation, Inc. partners with families and social agencies [including faith-based organizations] for the purpose of student identification and referrals of at-risk students. The Foundation identifies the appropriate agencies to deliver services required to meet the needs of the identified at-risk youth. The Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals.
Target Investment
All funds from the GateWay Second Chance Foundation target evidenced based programming for at-risk male adolescents and in so doing, foster long-term public safety.
The at-risk population is generally characterized by:
- high school suspension rates [between 15% and 20% in MD]
- below grade level proficiency in reading and math
- past or current involvement with the foster care and/or juvenile justice system
- families living below the poverty levels and/or homelessness
Breaking the cycle of failure and equipping at-risk youth to become productive members of their communities is paramount for The Foundation. Effective programming is provided within a boarding school framework and includes but is not limited to:
- individualized remedial instruction
- life skills preparation
- college preparatory academics
- training in skill trades
- family and individual counseling support
- an extended school day and year
Assess Outcomes
The GateWay Second Chance Foundation, Inc. requires an annual evaluation of all program services for which funds have been awarded. Projected service outcomes are compared with actual outcomes as a basis for repeat funding decisions. Agencies receiving funds from The Foundation are required to submit an annual independent audit.