Director Brown, an attorney who specializes in wireless telecommunications and practices before the Federal Communications Commission, is co-founder and CEO of an internet service company that provides high-speed broadband service to several, multi-state rural, underserved areas.
She is a longstanding community and political activist who gives her time to serve the community and contribute to the daily quality of life for Prince Georgians. Her extensive networks are products of her longstanding community and political activism.
Director Brown is immediate past president of her civic association and, as vice president of an alliance homeowners’ association, has represented southern Prince George’s County homeowners, individually and collectively in development and zoning matters.
Politically, she was appointed by then Governor Martin O’Malley and re-appointed by Governor Hogan to a citizen advisory group to the Maryland Attorney General. And, has not only served as vice president of the South County Democratic Club, as well as been a past member the Prince George’s County Democratic Central Committee for District 27A, but she has also run for political office.